Grade 9 Math Tutoring / Tutors - Destreamed | In-Class or Online

Grade 9 Math



The new de-streamed grade 9 math course, MTH1W, represents a new way of doing things for the Ontario math curriculum.

With no more academic or applied grade 9 math courses, students of all skill levels will be placed in a single de-streamed math course. We know this may lead to apprehension for some parents and students, so our math tutors are prepared to help with the transition.

This course sees students continue to develop their number sense and operation skills, algebraic techniques, measurement, geometry, probability, and data management. Further, students continue to connect coding and algorithmic thinking to help them make more sense of the applications of the math they’re studying in a real world context.

So whether you’re looking for a grade 9 math tutor to do a bit of catch-up, or get ahead (or both!), our tutors are here for all your math tutoring, assignment checking, test prepping, homework helping needs.


Interested? Want to know more?

The most common questions…

How does your tutoring work?

Great question! Our tutoring is based on a one-to-one reactive/active approach - we react to student learning happening in the classroom, and we act to help them get ahead.

All of our sessions take place on a one-to-one basis (though we do facilitate special-request group sessions!) - we do this to be sure that we are focusing specifically on the student’s precise needs and give them all the time and attention they require.

The reactive aspect of our program means that we are working directly with the work coming in from the classroom. We work with their notes, their homework problems, lessons that the teacher has posted, marked assignments - anything they’ve got for us. Our instruction starts by focusing in on this content to be sure the student has an understanding of what is happening in class.

The active aspect flips things around - we’re now the ones in charge! When students are ready, we lead them deeper in their understanding and help develop further, more robust understanding of the content in class. Not only does this help solidify the core classroom material, but helps students see the many roads available to them in solutions and build the critical and creative thinking skills to excel at higher and higher levels.

What about online tutoring, though?
How does that work?

We’ve put a lot of work in to our online programs, pushing to replicate our in-person programs in a digital environment so students can continue to learn from their instructors no matter where they are! The end result, we think, is a masterpiece.

Our students have their sessions online on our Discord server and connect directly with their tutor there. All of our instructors have the tools they need to write their notes and cast them directly on to the screen so students can see what’s being written at the same time the tutor’s explaining it. Students can share their work with the instructor in a variety of ways - taking pictures and uploading on discord, or using a writing tablet or iPad of their own!

We’re fortunate enough to have had the support of instructors, students, and their families to play-test this platform and get it to what it is today. We’re confident you’ll see its value just as much as we do!

What about full courses for credit?

Absolutely! We’ve been offering courses in a variety of formats for years - we’ve got this process all figured out. Brainstorm Academy is a private high school, inspected by the Ontario Ministry of Education (BSID: 669078). This means that we’re authorized to grant credits towards students’ Ontario Secondary School Diplomas (OSSDs).

The instruction happens the same way our tutoring does - entirely one-to-one. This allows for a tremendous amount of customization and course control - we can build courses to suit students individual and dynamic needs!

Once students complete the course, the final report card is sent off to their school and they’ll place the grade and credit on the student’s transcript. We’ll also send it off to the OUAC and OCAS if needed for university applications!

We’ll handle the entire guidance process for this from start to finish, as well as determine a structure for the course that meets the needs and constraints you have - timeline, financial, learning plan accommodations, and so on.

What if I’m not from Ontario?
What if I’m doing iB or AP courses?

So what? Math is math! Science is science! Isaac Newton was English, Wilhelm Gottfreid Leibniz was German; they still managed to simultaneously invent calculus and bicker about who did it first and who did it better.

Look: if you’re not from Ontario, that’s fine. That’s where we’re based out of, but at the end of the day we work online, and our instructional capabilities transcend mere location.

We’ll help you with your vectors in Vancouver, your quadratics in Québec City, your pie charts in PEI, and anything in between. Derivatives in Denmark, integrals in India, trigonometry in Thailand… you get the idea. No matter where you are, we can help you get a better understanding of your courses. We’re teaching you skills and concepts, and always customizing what we do so you can make the most sense of it. We’re teaching you.

We even support iB and AP courses, so we’ll help you through those if that’s where you’re stuck.

We’re here for you - don’t worry.

still have questions?
ask away!